Monday 24 November 2014

Week 9

The only reasoning for this blog is procrastination, sat at my desk on reading week, (week 9) where I should be going over my anatomy and physiology instead here I am creating a blog to probably bore most of you with the ongoings of my course.

I am a 19 year old, Irish podiatry student at The University of Salford, I thought about starting this sooner but it is only now I am getting around to it. After reading Louise's excellent blog, I decided to create my own. We are now in week 9, three quarters of the way through our first semester and I am probably a lot more relaxed than I should be. A quick summary of the courses so far

I am throughly enjoying the course and it is certainly the best decision I've made in my life so far! Moving country at 19 years old has not been easy but I can tell you something I have learned more about myself in the last 3 months that I have in my whole life, this difficult decision has changed my life for the better and I know it is one I will always look back fondly on.

In 9 weeks we have a huge amount of the course covered (a lot more than I thought we would) and we have also had some great talks from Clarks about the importance of a good fitted shoe and from a Dr from Sheffield on a Corn Plasters Study. We have even finished a whole module on Inter Collaborative Professional Practice which we did with other health science courses within The University of Salford and we are now working on an assignment for the module due in just after Christmas. We have learned all the bones and attachments inn the foot and leg and nearly all the muscles and tendons We have had our terrifying OSCE exam to determine if we are allowed to treat patients or not and we have indeed gotten our uniforms and began clinic treating patients on our own!!!! Which I must admit is quite scary but also completely fascinating and satisfying as I see patients walk out in less pain and discomfort than they came in with, I absolutely love this aspect as I feel I am making a difference in a persons life, doing something I whole love. We've also began to make paddings and insoles for the feet which is entreating and enjoyable.

That is a very brief summary of our Podiatry course so far, I have undoubtedly missed out a lot but it is hard to remember everything in 9 weeks.

Caoimhe x

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